Wipe over them with the cotton rounds provided every hour until bed that evening.

Apply a THIN layer of the balm provided in-between.


Removal of lymph fluid is key for a beautiful healed result and for an easier healing process.

After tattooing, a clear fluid called lymph will seep out of the tattoo to start the healing process and cause crusts.

You do not want lymph fluid to sit on your tattoo and form large, thick crusts.

We want to ensure the lymph fluid does not sit and dry on the skin.

Removing the lymph fluid will prevent excess crusting and allow for an easier healing process.

Your lips will feel tender, raw, sore and hold heat once the numbing cream starts to wear off a few hours after finishing.

There may be swelling present and the colour will appear bold, dark and intense.

The swelling will subside in the hours following and the colour will soften once fully healed.

You may take pain relief after your appointment.

DAY 1.

Wipe over them with the cotton rounds provided every 3 hours.

Apply a THIN layer of balm in-between. Always keep them hydrated with balm.

Whenever you feel the balm drying out apply another thin layer.

DAY 2-5.

GENTLY wash morning and night with the cleanser provided.

Appy a thin layer of balm straight after and throughout the day.

Always keep them hydrated with balm

Whenever you feel the balm drying out apply another thin layer.

DAY 5+.

Keep hydrated with a nourishing balm and apply SPF daily.

DO’s and DONT’S.

Keep in mind your tattoo is an open wound. We want to prevent an infection at all costs.

Keep it clean, dry and hydrated and follow all Aftercare precisely.

Do not apply anything to your lips during healing other than the balm you are given.

Wash your hands before applying the balm or use a cotton tip. Do not touch your tattoo with dirty fingers.

Drink from a clean straw. Do not drink from an old or unwashed water bottle/mugs or glassware.

Be cautious when eating from cutlery - use your teeth to grab the food as opposed to your lips.

Be cautious when eating messy foods - clean when needed.

Be cautions when brushing your teeth - clean when needed.

Do not get your tattoo too wet for too long in the shower.

Do not pick, peel, lick, rub or bite the crusts, The goal is to keep the crusts/pigment in the skin for as long as you can. Let in come away naturally.

Premature lifting can result in a patchy, uneven healed result and even cause scarring or an infection. We want the pigment to heal IN the lip skin not be pulled away.

Sleep on a clean pillow case. Do not sleep on your face to avoid the crusts lifting prematurely.

Avoid harsh cleansers, creams, makeup, or any other products until all crusts have lifted off naturally.

Do not expose your tattoo to UV rays or tanning beds. These things can alter the appearance of your tattoo dramatically.

Do not sweat until all crusts have lifted naturally.

Do not get any facials of lip filler for 6 weeks after.